• Welcome To Speech 
    Hi There!
       My name is Janna Geller and I am the Speech-Language Pathologist at the County Road School and Demarest Middle School. 
    I am very excited to be part  Demarest Early Learners Integrated Preschool as well!
    I work with children in Pre-K, Kindergarten and First grade and grades Five through Eight.  
       I am always available to discuss your child's needs.  If you have questions or you would like to come in for a meeting you need to reach me by phone, but email is always best: geller@nvnet.org.  
    Please leave a detailed message with your phone number and a good time to reach you.  

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    What do we do in Speech? Here are just a few things that we work on...

    Articulation *Phonology* Voice* Social Language*

    Following Directions *Understanding Concepts* StoryTelling*

    Oral Motor *Writing* Word Finding* Grammar *Fluency *